Investing By Consensus

A Personal Finance blog actively looking for advice on growing my investments.
I will completely detail levels and sources of my income and all investments.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Monthly Update - Keeping the Pace - 1.3% each month

Work, work, work

It's been 2 months since I last wrote - Been very busy with various work and nothing much happened with my money. Just your basic income coming in (isn't that where the name came from). And, your basic outcome (income going out?). In keeping with my basic premise for the markets, I have sold off more and converted to cash and earn 5.13% now with the Vanguard money market. I am 95% in cash and just waiting for things to go down (possibly 4-5 years) before I get back in. I know that could lose me large amounts of money if the market goes up, but I'm not feely very risky right now.

Recent Transactions

In the last 2 months, I sold off more of my Overseas fund and have just a little left. The reason I don't sell it all is because the remaining shares were bought a little less than a year ago (Oct 27). Those remaining shares have risen 1300$ in value and I don't want to pay the 30% capital gains tax on it. I'd rather wait until October 28th this year and risk them falling a little and just pay the 15%. I know there's a math equation that would tell me just how far they can fall where it would be smarter just to sell now and pay the 30%, but it's such a small amount of money (200-400$) it's not worth it.

The only other thing I need to sell is 1500$ worth of individual stocks. I just need ot fill out the form at work and get it done.


Also, In Net Worth IQ, I self-re-appraised my house value at 225,000 instead of the 250,000 I had it at. By the end of the whole Real Estate crash, I'll probably need to adjust it back to 200,000 for the entire period.


Notes of interest on Net Worth. I've been able to track my Net Worth for a couple consistent months now. It seems at my current income and expenses and having most of my money in the money market at 5.13%, my Net Worth increases by about 1.3% every month. That comes to about 17% a year. At 17% a year (barring raises, bonuses, unforeseen expenses), I'll be a millionaire in less than 5 years. However, that overlooks exactly what Stealthbucks has discussed. As your networth goes up, you need to make more every month just to have a constant increase percent-wise.

Not much going on with my finances or the market, but I'll try to update again next month.


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